bə-lō'nē mō'gəls(n.pl.) 1. A group of drinkers with a shredding problem. 2. The combination of snow, booze, and metal.


Schemes (08-09 Winter Season)

Plans are developing. The weekends are filling. And the snow is falling from the Rockies to the Mad River Valley.

Major Trips On the Books (Or in the "we were drinking and it seemed like a good idea" category)

Bri-DK Fest (Part Deux): 1/9 - 1/11
A weekend celebrating birthdays of two founding members. Pico mountain, perhaps a day at SugarBush or Killington as well. The current incarnation of the infamous "K04" and "K05" train wrecks.

Snowbird (Boloney Moguls wants Seconds): 1/19
Thank you President-Elect Obama for giving me Tuesday off. Thank you Dead Snow for playing at Sundance. Thank you Utah for charging an arm and a leg for airfare you f'ing Mormons.

Febuary: A void devoid of planning.

Action Jackson: 3/1 - 3/7
5 Boloners, 1 Hole, Jackson.

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