It was a long day for sure, but a day well spent. First chair at 9:00 A.M., last chair at 3:30 P.M. Some of the best tree runs and bowl play any of us have seen and the fact that just so many different things were possible there made it an adventure for us all.
Some highlights:
We're about to drop into "Rein's Run," one of the steepest things at least I have ever seen. Then, out from behind us a guy BOMBS past us, miscalculates, and completely falls apart. Legs split. Skis go up in the air, and on the steepest of steep he starts tumbling out of control head over heels. Unfortunately, the video doesn't include the crash, only our reactions.
Our adventure out of bounds. Cutting all the way to the right side of the mountain, we cut out and then found ourselves at "Dog Lake." We hikes around a little, saw some even steeper drops and cliffs, crushed a few beers, and completely just took in the amazing views afforded.
Look for pics from today here. And the deth vid from Rein's Run will be up shortly on the treeoil22 channel at youtube.
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