bə-lō'nē mō'gəls(n.pl.) 1. A group of drinkers with a shredding problem. 2. The combination of snow, booze, and metal.


Summer Time (DC VS CHILL-E)

To looker's right, you'll see a lovely map of the Mid-Atlantic where one power seen is currently sweltering. The last thing anyone could contemplate right now is snow. While D.C. might have a heat advisory in effect right now (at last checking the absolute temperature was rapidly approaching 100 degrees), it's a different world south of the Equator.

Down in Chile, the shred season is in full gear. More than just Portilio, there are spots all over the 2,500 hundred mile long country. With such clever names as "el colorado" and "valle nevado" I wonder what's next.... "el hunter mountain," "el jackson hole?"

Check out this great read over at ESPN Action. The article is more about boozing and traveling in Chile than shredding, but it is fun none the less. Snow is snow, whether it's pronounced snow or "el snow" and as it crosses the 100 degree wall today, I'm going to be wishing I was in "el chile" at 10,000 el feet. Meh, start organizing next year's southern boloney mission now.

And after recent communication with one exceptionally stylish Kelly, B-town is sounding better and better. Will the Boloney Compound finally become operational? Stay tuned.

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