bə-lō'nē mō'gəls(n.pl.) 1. A group of drinkers with a shredding problem. 2. The combination of snow, booze, and metal.


Many Boloney Happenings (NO Plans)

Jackson, Utah, Tahoe, Killy, Sugarbush, Mount Snow, Pico, and the list goes on.  Just a sampling of the hills and territories gangs of boloners will be headed to this season.  With snow blanketing the country, and winter rapidly spreading after an awful East Coast early season, we're all getting our ass into gear.

To follow in a much more abbreviated version than last year, I'll post some upcoming highlights:

Jackson Hole II:  Boloney Strikes Back (12/25-12-30)
Bri Dk Fest X:  Bonoirishlover won't know what hit him - let's show this decade who is boss (1/8-1/10)
U2: Snowbird, Brighton (MLK Weekend)
Tahoe: Humpin' Heavenly (Early March)

So there will be many trips of course.  Perhaps some filming will take place if the mood strikes just right for Xceptionally Stylish.

As a small aside, to highlight the greatness of some of the places we'll hit, Brighton has found a skull and just identified it.  And yea, it's fractured.  Turns out some guy decided to get into an argument, go off on a stroll solo, and dove off a cliff.  Most metal mountain ever?  I don't know, but we'll surely be shredding it.

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