bə-lō'nē mō'gəls(n.pl.) 1. A group of drinkers with a shredding problem. 2. The combination of snow, booze, and metal.


So it Does Snow in Wyoming (Jackson Day 4)

After a night eating everything cute and furry and boozing at the Cowboy Bar, we all went to sleep to the sight of light light flurries. We awoke to what they were claiming was a max of three inches of the top. As breakfast ensued, snow began to fall again. And it didn't stop. The top was a brutal white out but the Gondy was running and got us into great stuff. While the morning still had some icy bumps, oh boy was there snow. Even the groomers had a nice layer of snow on the sides that made for some great power slashes.

Spirits rose quickly.

A few hard turns in actual snow made life, very, very good. Looking out, it was like the Tetons finally came alive. Everything we saw looked totally different with heavy snow coming down. So many things that were basically unrideable became totally doable and made for big smiles and great turns.

As an aside, it turns out owning a faux suede snowboarding jacket is not awesome when everything gets covered in snow. Powder Seen was out in full force as can be evidenced by photography.

While the Kelly's and the Brown Bear headed to town for some exploring, Dong and I went up and down the Thunder chair and the Gondy. Finding deep snow blown into the woods and epic turns and face shots.

The best turns of the trip thus far occurred and life became very very good. Apres was done at Casscades and we got a bit moist on spicy Margs. YUM YUM YUM.

Just as a note, some of the pics you'll see are from our trip out into Jackson last night. I will not be doing much organizing until I get back.


It was the Best of Times, It was the Worst of Times (Jackson Day 3)

Today was all over the place. Finally, we didn't wake up to the drippy drip sound of the thawing Tetons, but instead heard the grind grind crunch crunch of ice.

In yet another attempt to appease the snow gods, I donned the award winning onesie and prepared to shred. We headed up to the summit on a thankfully empty tram and were rocked with one of the iciest bowls I have ever ridden. Once we got out of the super highs though, we headed into some fun stuff off the Thunder bowl and got into the best trees and snow we've had the whole trip. While the runs were short, the snow made everyone forget about the iffy conditions.

As we emerged from the trees, the snow gods smiled down upon us. SNOW SNOW SNOW. While it isn't heavy, it is coming down and finally reminding us that it is in fact winter, and we are at 10,000 feet. Hopefully it keeps up and repairs the gnarly steep ice bumps that cover most of the hill.

And to the worst of times. So we tried 3 different areas today. The first two runs we dropped into awesome trees and had happy times. Then, we tried a different tree section. That was a bad idea. We dropped right in and immediately knew we made a mistake. Super super hard ice. The last few days totally melted the area and it got bumped like crazy. Then last night it froze solid and made for a awful and treacherous decent of almost 3000 vertical feet in a gully that we really couldn't get out of. We had to hike out a traverse with dudes from Jerz that were equally trapped and miserable. Once farther skiers left on the hill, we had to then drop down the final section over a frozen mashed potato field. It was super super hard and covered in bumps. Lots of traversing and ass-slides were required but BIG STRONG UPPER BODIES helped us grind through.

More good stuff though. Dong and I tracked down the "locals" place to eat and drink at the mountain - the village cafe and enjoyed pretending like we were the cool kids.

So good stuff, awful stuff. I'll take a mixed bag any day. Those tree runs reminded us just how good things can be and that's enough.

Off to the town of Jackson tonight to eat anything that once was cute, furry, or with antlers. Let's all hope for cold cold weather tonight and some of this snow to finally show up.


Jackson Hole Day 2 (Rando Weather)

Rain, sun, ice, hard-pack, powder, and mashed potatoes. A very very confusing day at The Big Hole. Thankfully, the 4100 feet of elevation meant that higher up the mountain things froze up nicely and even a few inches of snow came down.

We traveled the mountain. Dong and I shredded a bit with Dirty Jerz and his lady friend. Much strong island - jerz insults were thrown back and forth.

Once the Kellys and the brown bear readied themselves, we hit up the Gondola and then explored the Casper area of the Hole. Because of the shit weather, we mostly stuck to the larger groomed areas, still though, much fun was had.

Great lunch up at the Bridger Gondola lodge. At about 8500 feet, awesome Chinese food was had and beers were crushed. We got an awesome view of Corbets' and even saw a few guys drop in - with great success.

After lunch we headed over to the Rendezvous bowl and finally found some good trees with probably the best snow we've had in the last two days. A brutal mushy traverse was required to get us back to the gondy and we took one final trip down through the big park. Brown may have been a little "moist" and decided to take utilize some adventurous techniques to get down. His front flip was not overly successful.

So long story short, conditions are pretty awful but we're hoping we are finally going to get some snow and lower temps tonight. Everyone, do your snow dances.

Pics to the right


Mashed Potatoes Dont Scare Me (Jackson Hole Day 1)

Day 1 of Jackson Hole. Life is very, very good.

So today was super blue bird. And frankly, way too warm. After a great run off the tram to start off the tram (tram 1 of the day), we were sweating profusely and began the stripping of layers. This place is total "utah cold." Hence, 30-40 here feels like 60-70 back on the East Coast.

We really did a lot of exploring today. Off the tram, off the gondola, off the apres-vous chair. Basically hitting the farthest left and right terrain that was available. Because they haven't had snow in a few days and it was super warm today, things were super heavy and edges were digging in real deep. This place was bumpier than a high school kids face and lots of jump turns were imperative.

Tons o fun were had all over.

Food and sauce and booze were had at the Cowboy Cafe. We certainly found ourselves in a delicious moist state.

Runs were then had on the skiers left of the mountain and some mini-park shredding was done.

Finally the Kelly's headed back - skiers not pleased with the heavy snow - and myself, Dong, and Brown had some drinks and enjoyed a game of Jackson Ball. Jackson Ball a course a game played in flat light on bumped groomers when a few drinks are consumed. Long story short, much snow was slammed against heads and one bear himself hugged the ground, forcefully.

They are calling for snow and cold the rest of the week and we're looking forward to it. Time for many beers and apres-ski time.

Pictures can be accessed to the right. I would more thoroughly post in more detail, but one Dong is demanding I join him in the hot tub.


Jackson Hole (Boloney Has Arrived)

It was a long intoxicating road, but we have arrived.

Pictures to the right.