bə-lō'nē mō'gəls(n.pl.) 1. A group of drinkers with a shredding problem. 2. The combination of snow, booze, and metal.


Sucking the Tetons (Free for Friday)

With news that BP and myself will be back to Jackson Hole in two months, I'm getting really amped up about the Grand Tetons.  In honor of that, check out the Sucking the Tetons segment from None More Blacker now.  Dreaming of the powder days of December.  And yes, I'll be wearing my Santa suit while shredding.


Sunday River Opens (SkitheEast)

In a quick update to yesterday's post, Sunday River is now open.  In addition to that, they've posted what may be the most boring, least exciting video of said opening ever.  Watch it only for proof that there is snow on the East Coast.


A Basin Open (The Winter Spreads)

My fondest - well most terrifying - memories of Colorado were probably at Arapahoe Basin.  Now Arapahoe Basin is open for the X season.  This monster mountain equipped with the huge front side plus the nutso steep and expansive Montezuma bowl is now letting riders and skiers in to kill it all day long at the high altitudes.

Nothing like tapping the Rockies with a Coors Light and delicious CO pow.  It definitely has a light cover now, but it's amazing to see how much snow and how many trails (and how much of the bowls are covered) only at October 14th.  This season is already shaping up to be an impressive one.  The CO kids probably already have a few days on the hill considering Loveland has been open for a week.  Jackson, Utah, and the Sierra Nevadas are taking some pretty decent dumpings too.  Giddyup.

Like Dan says, the snow at A Basin is so awesome because of all the tears of the Arapahoe tribe.  Photography above kindled borrowed from Sean Kerrick Sullivan.

But, we must be thankful for what's going on here on the Right Coast.  Wild Stallions shipped (and I've viewed the greatness).  Also, as the bum himself chastised me for not commenting about, Killy got some snow, and has also began snow making.  Wahoo.  Killy open before November 1?  I think it could happen.  Maybe Jay or Stowe will open up shop first.  The race is on.

UPDATE:  And the winner is:  Sunday River.  They opened today with a total of one lift and one trail.  Count it!