Myself, Power: 500 miles one way
BP, Dong: 273 miles one way
Kath, Not Pukey: 300ish miles one way
Tim: 300 miles one way
Dan, DiK: 75 miles one way (ass)
While I will continue NOT to break my East Coast news embarago, some comments on this weekend's mega mileage trip are necessary. 5 Boloners in Killington with 5 cars. That's how BM keeps it green all year long. Roughly, the gang logged in excess of 2,800 miles for three open trails at Ktown. I think it would be impossible for ANYONE to question a Boloner's dedication to riding.
I seem to really be utilizing lists and short sentences, so I'll highlight the weekend via bullets:
- High point: First shot of rumplemeinze in the 2010 season - delicious, refreshing, minty.
- Comedy gold: Dan nailing himself in the throat, popping a cork out of his wine
- Drinking achievment: Dan/Tim for dueley red-eyes at the Wobbly
- Exceptionally Stylish moment: BP riding in his girly leather jacket, earning the descriptor "faggy 70s shit"
- Random Hero of the weekend: The Hammer hanging out at the Wobbly during the Wild Stallions premiere
- Sweet Air Award: Tim's backside 180 to mud plant