bə-lō'nē mō'gəls(n.pl.) 1. A group of drinkers with a shredding problem. 2. The combination of snow, booze, and metal.


Boloners in Jackson (Round II)

BP and myself, as well as sidecare and the fam, are in Jackson Hole again.  Right now a lot of condo time apres action is in effect and we're all having some cockatails after a long day of riding.

Conditions this year are real early season style.  Very little is actually open off the top.  From the tram ride up you can access the rendezvous bowl and one groomer cat track all the way back to the base.  There are a mix of bumped out bowls here and there on the way down and a good deal of other rando cuts you can take here and there.  The first half of the day was great and offered great groomed cruisers as well as very rideable bumps.  As the day went on and the crowds picked up and the snow pushed off.  The total lack of snow hitting Jackson this season is causing real problems for the hill and the constant moans of the locals is audible.  These people don't know how spolied they are.  Boloners know what true ice/hard pack is, and that is not here.  Great long runs.  Big turns.  Sweet pow stashes.  Jackson Hole is an incredible place and we all couldn't be more happy.

Pictures will be very accessible to the right.