bə-lō'nē mō'gəls(n.pl.) 1. A group of drinkers with a shredding problem. 2. The combination of snow, booze, and metal.


Snow in October (or how Power Seen missed out a third time)

Hey all, Dong Stül checking in here, due to the fact that once again Power Seen lives very far from all things that are good. As we all spend our days and nights patiently waiting for the winter season to officially begin, Mount Snow repeated their early season opening from last year, and put up a mini park for October 17th, and 18th.  Aided by about 2 hours of fresh falling snow (goggles were needed for more than just style), crusty lips, crowds, and to many park rats to count made up for a very wonderful Sunday in October as Brown Matt, Tim and I ventured north to get on snow for the first time this season.  Oversized clothing was laughed at, and back breaking crashes were had, all while Power Seen was rained on in the swamps of DC. Maybe next year he can get on snow in October too.  Until then, pray for snow!

1 comment:

Seen said...

Thanks dick. And I'll have you know it wasn't raining on Sunday, but I was drinking all day so that sort of makes up.