Boloney Moguls' most recent adventuring brought them to CHARlot, Btown, the ShredBarn, Jay Peak, and Michael Bolton. All things that are good.
Uncle Filter's shredbarn in Charlot was nice. I mean way too nice for us. The piece of property itself was right on a peninsula on the good lake of Champlain.

Day 1 we headed way up there, Jay Peak. After a drive that wasn't bad at all and only getting the CRV stuck in the snow once (thanks DONG), we suited up in the arctic cold of Canada. Jay Peak is big, old, and European feeling. It's one of the only hills in the East that actually has a
I've been in cold, I've been in real cold, I skitheeast. But Jay Peak. Wow. For 10 minutes we experienced some of the coldest conditions ever while our chair crawled up the wire and swung back and forth in the wind while we were pummeled with the howling gusts of Canada.
Dinner Party ensued as Dong cooked up one hell of a dinner. The Flendersons stopped by and Bob in accounting acted up again. Late night scrabble was played and some uncanny words were placed. Undersiege anyone?
Day 2: Michael Bolton.
This place is good, really good. Lots of traverses and slow lifts, but amazing cover, super close to btown, and lots of fun trees that no one rides in. Many great
Strange things happen at Bolton. It is sort of the Bermuda Triangle of ski hills. You'll see a trail you want to ride, head towards it, and then you find yourself back at the
Another night of boozing and Kings with some superior rules. The Seen foot and rocky rule really made for a bold game of thrill and excitement. A long long ride back to NY began, and awesome, I missed my flight.
Leaving Btown was tough. That place has a lot of greatness. It is important to know though, the Armory will be opening for the 09-10 season, and it will be the most metal bar ever.
*Jackson in 11 Days*
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